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Challenge 11

The Heart of Life: Challenge 11

Friday, June 22, 2012

Challenge 11

Challenge #11:  What are 5 things you have (or almost have) perfected? What are 5 things you are far from perfect in?

Almost perfected:
1. Mac and cheese from scratch.  It's the only way to go.  The box kind is yuuuuuuck.  I love this recipe from Pioneer Woman.
2. The bed-time routine.  I'm awesome at getting ready for bed.  I never forget to brush my teeth or take out my contacts.
3. Mopping the floor.  My house is almost all hardwood floors, so I go with the Swiffer Wetjet along with all the Swiffer hacks I've learned from Pinterest.  I refill the spray bottle with self-mixed cleaner and use dollar store washable "microfiber" cloths.  It's so fast, so easy, and so tight-budget-sustainable.  I rock at mopping.
4. Mock-braided bangs.  The last time I got my hair cut, the stylist cut my bangs a little too long, so they got to the awkward phase pretty quickly.  Thus, I've gotten fairly good at the two-strand twist.  It looks a lot like a French braid, which is awesome because I can't get the actual French braid thing down.
5. Walking.  Taking into consideration that my left leg is 5/8 inch shorter than the right one, I feel pretty good about having a fairly straight gait.

Far from perfection:
1. Project clutter.  If I start a project, but don't quite finish that day, I like to leave it out in sight so I am reminded to finish it.  Thus, I have random visible project clutter throughout the house.  I'm working towards finishing projects asap so the project clutter doesn't have to sit out for weeks and weeks and weeeeeeeeeks.
2. Frisbee throwing.  Sometimes I can throw it nice and straight with the appropriate distance and direction.  But only sometimes.  I'm slightly better at catching a Frisbee, but only slightly.
3. Dishes.  It's my least favorite house chore, and thus I avoid it like crazy.  It's pretty miraculous that I have a husband who is willing to do my dishes for me.  He's great.
4. Drawing.  I'm reminded daily of this as I play Draw Something.  I'll pick a word that I feel is totally do-able, but mid-drawing I realize that I was wrong.  Soooo wrong.
5. Interviewing.  I haven't done a ton of interviewing for jobs, but I tend to get all quiet and awkward.  It's like 5th grade Lindsey steps into the interview rather than a confident 23 year old with a college degree.



At June 24, 2012 at 6:27 PM , Blogger Georgia said...

This was sweet and oh, so cute blog post, Lindsey! I think the things you have perfected are ever so more important than the things you still need to perfect. Maybe I have that attitude because I share some of your 'needs perfecting' traits. I agree that interviewing is one of the most intimidating things ever! But I'm betting that the 5th grade Lindsey who shows up is still pretty impressive!! By the way, I love your Drawsomething pictures. I think you do a GREAT job and I love playing the game with you!!


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